Our friends at Health Canada have just updated their labeling regulations for natural products. If you’re a Canadian maker of nutritional products, then there are some new regulations that you must keep in mind when selling your products there.
What is the Natural Product Number?
The Natural Product Number is a new labeling tool that is being required by Health Canada. The NPN is an eight-digit number that indicates the natural health product has been approved by Health Canada and is safe, works, and is of the high-quality. All products with a Natural Product Number are licensed for retail in Canada.
The red circled area of the label is the Natural Product Number. This 8 digit number verifies that the product has been approved by Health Canada.
In order to meet Health Canada’s new regulations, here’s some information you will need to have on your label, along with the Natural Product Number:
- product brand name
- product license holder
- product’s medicinal ingredients
- product’s non-medicinal ingredients
- product’s dosage form
- product’s recommended use or purpose (ie its health claim or indication)
- risk information associated with the product’s use (ie cautions, warnings, contraindications, and known adverse reactions)
If you have all of the above information on your natural health product, along with a Natural Product Number, then you’re good to go!
My Label is Good to Go… Now What?
Now that your label meets the new Health Canada regulations, you need a printer that will make your new label in the highest quality and resolution – and the QL-120X color label printer is just the tool for the job.
QuickLabel Systems has plenty of experience making labels with the natural products industry and takes great pride in working with you to assist you in all of your labeling needs. Contact us for a virtual demonstration of the QL-120X color label printer, or call our Canadian headquarters at 800-565-2216 with any questions regarding your labeling needs.
Best regards on all of your health product labeling, Canada!